Friday, February 26, 2010

Because I love the beach so, beach calligrapher just may be the job for me! :)

I found these pictures and the following description at

'Out of South Africa comes the truly unique work of Andrew van der Merwe – beach calligraphy, he calls it. Andrew writes about his work: “If a calligrapher is someone who loves writing, then I have been a calligrapher since my very first writing lessons... love the surf and the beach and have always enjoyed scratching words in the sand with sticks. Sticks make more of a mess than a mark, so this led to the special shaping of the sticks and to the development of various instruments to achieve better results and ultimately to ways of cutting the sand out to leave a neat V. The V was a great discovery, not only for its neatness and shadow, but because it sets up a lovely contrast between the typical, permanent V of stone carving and the wonderful, temporal quality of the beach calligraphy. I also developed ways of avoiding footprints, and this is often what impresses people most, but for me the real challenge remains getting the letter forms good. Any calligrapher will understand that!”Above is just a small sampling of his work. He has more online at, and you can buy prints at or '


  1. That is so awesome. Thanks for sharing this incredible art.

  2. Amazing! Thanks for introducing me to this art...and thanks for stopping by my blog!
